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Thoughts By Veda Lucas

August 1, 2022

Everyone Needs Jesus

Father, help me to be sensitive to the deep spiritual need of those I come in contact with. May I willingly share with them the one who is capable of releasing them from their bondage to sin. Amen.

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July 22, 2022

Taste and See the Lord is Good

I’ve learned grief has many different faces. Among them are sorrow, misery, anguish, pain, distress, heartache, agony, torment, affliction, suffering, woe, dejection, and despair?

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May 21, 2022

Unreciprocated Love

It's crucial for us to love like God loves if we are to be witnesses to the lost. A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another (John 13:34-35).

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July 4, 2020

For the Benefit of the Body

Never underestimate your talent and how God can use it. He gave it to you uniquely — for a reason.

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April 5, 2020

True Love Acts

Put love into action, trusting God's Spirit for the ability to do so.

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March 6, 2020

How to Know God’s Will

What’s your heart’s desire for the year 2020? As I drive my granddaughters to school in the mornings, we pray over our day and for other concerns or needs we have using memorized scripture passages. In this way, I am attempting to teach my granddaughters to pray biblical prayers.

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February 7, 2020

Character Defect

Is there an area in your life in which you’ve grown self-sufficient, overly confident, or adamant about assuming that you couldn’t fall into temptation? If the Holy Spirit brings something to mind, ask the Father to prune that tendency from your heart.

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February 3, 2020

Accepted in the Beloved

If we have fallen somewhere along the way, if we've not trusted him, if we've wanted our way more than his, let’s do as Jesus instructed Peter (John 21:15-23).

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November 5, 2019

Pruned for Purpose

Dear Father, you promise in your word to prune branches that don’t bear fruit. I ask you to humbly search me and see if there are barren branches. I give you permission to do whatever is necessary that I may bear lasting fruit for your glory. Amen.

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October 7, 2019

The Midnight Hour

April never woke up after that surgery. That began the most difficult journey of my life — learning to live without her. At times when I was drowning in grief, I’d praise God for the moments I shared with April.

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