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For the Benefit of the Body

Published on July 4, 2020

The LORD said to Moses, ‘… and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with ability and intelligence, with knowledge and all craftsmanship…. And I have given to all able men ability, that they may make all that I have commanded you.’”  Exodus 31:1,3,6

Have you ever heard anyone say they’re all thumbs? Can you imagine how silly we’d look if we were? Holding anything would be almost impossible. We need our fingers, eyes, ears, and noses as well as all the other essential parts of the body. Just as our physical bodies are made up of multiple necessary parts, so is the Body of Christ. We all have a part to play.

My husband was incredibly talented with his hands. There wasn’t anything he could not repair, build, or figure out if it required hands-on ability. I often joked that I had to give away my appliances in order to get anything new. He was always doing some type of maintenance work at our church as well as for our neighbors, friends, or family.

For much of his life, he didn’t see his ability as anything special. He certainly never considered it a spiritual gift.

Then God opened his eyes to the truth of today’s Scriptures. Just as preaching and teaching are spiritual gifts from the Holy Spirit, so were the skills he had. Once he learned to value the spiritual gift God had blessed him with, he experienced a contentment in his Christian life he had never know before. Only then could his gifts be used to the maximum benefit of the kingdom and for God’s glory.

Never underestimate your talent and how God can use it. He gave it to you uniquely — for a reason.

Father, help us to realize you’ve placed each of us in the Body as is pleasing to you. You’ve gifted each of us in a way that will best fulfill your purposes for our lives. May our deepest heart’s desire be that our gifts be beneficial to the body of Christ. Amen.

By Veda Lucas
Used by Permission

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