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You Are Mine

Published on March 19, 2020

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through rivers, they will not sweep over you. You will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze… For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior…. Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you….”  Isaiah 43:2a, 3a, 4a

When troubles hit — not if. Life is like that.

At times we feel like we are in deep waters and over our heads in problems.

Sometimes difficulties come like rushing river waters. We feel like horrific events or a deep sorrow over unexpected loss and grief will drown us. However, for every “when,” God provides precious promises.

A friend of mine, who is a mother and senior missionary, spoke these verses as a public blessing for her daughter. She told her not to be afraid even though she was following in her mother’s footsteps to go overseas to a closed country. Her mother knew what might lie ahead, but she also knew God went with her daughter. Those present listened intently to every promise.

God promises

“I have redeemed you. I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”

“I will be with you” when trouble or hardship comes. You won’t drown when difficulties and problems come at you like a relentless river rolling waves over your head. You will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze when you are oppressed and it feels like you won’t survive.

Ponder God’s precious promises. Hear him whisper, “Remember… I am with you. Don’t be afraid. I am committed to you. I will not let life consume you. I am your Savior. You are precious and honored because I love you.”

Father, thank you that no matter what we go through in life, no matter how deep the waters or difficult the storm, you are our Saviour and we can trust in you to save us! Lord, please help us keep our eyes fixed on the truth of who you are in the midst of our challenges and look to you to be our Saviour and not some other hope of deliverance. You walk us through and you are there in the midst. Thank you! Amen.

By Donna Mitchell
Used by Permission

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