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If He Closes One Door, He Opens Another!

I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10).

God is so good to us! This week, in response to one of my devotionals, I received this encouraging e-mail from Debbie. She gave me permission to share it with you:

“The job I was at was recently made redundant and although I had begun to apply for other jobs, I also found the inner strength and joy (can you believe?) to praise God for this situation. It was as if the Holy Spirit was ready to do a major rebirth in my life, and I kept hearing my Gran’s words, “When one door closes, God always opens a better one. In fact, I even said that to my boss when she told me the news about the job closing down.

“Well, last week a lady came into the shop and I was just on my way out to get some lunch when something made me stop and ask her if she needed some assistance. I even had to put my purse down on the counter to open up the cabinet for her. We started chatting and she had also immigrated to New Zealand from South Africa and worked in the same shopping mall. I mentioned that Friday would be my last day at the shop and she promptly replied that a clothing shop in the mall was looking for a retail assistant. Then I received another prompting and a voice said to me, ‘Why don’t you go and check it out?’ Well, blow me away if I didn’t get an interview there and then and the next day the manager phoned me to say they’d love to welcome me on board and my hourly rate is more than I expected. Isn’t God’s handiwork just so amazing?”

Father, You are indeed amazing. How often I am amazed at the way You network people and situations to implement Your wonderful plan for our lives. Thank You for intervening; it is always for our good and the good of people in our lives. Amen.

by Katherine Kehler

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Further Reading

Freedom of Forgiveness
Extending Grace to Others
Whatever You Do...
I Like to be Encouraged
Get Rid of Guilt