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Published on December 8, 2020

“I will never erase his name from the book of life, but will declare his name before my Father and before his angels.”   Revelation 3:5b (NET)

Do you know why they put erasers on pencils? Because humans use them.

In other words, none of us are perfect. We make mistakes. In fact, we often learn more from our mistakes than we do our successes. Why? Because we have already corrected our errors and moved on when we succeed. The lesson has been learned.

A friend gave me the ultimate “human pencil.” It has two erasers so when one is used up, I can flip it and start to use the other one. I hope she wasn’t trying to tell me something.

But after I laughed, I saw great meaning in it. This is the type of eraser Christ uses in our lives when we confess our wrongdoings. One that will never run out no matter how many times we have sins to confess. His three hours on the cross has already eradicated them.

Not to say there are no consequences for our actions. After all, we must learn from our mistakes, and sometimes the lesson is harsh. But it is part of the process to erase sin from our lives. Over and over. We all need erasers in this life. But here is the good news. There is no need for erasers in Heaven. We will be perfected and purified in Christ to stand before the throne of God as it says in Revelation 3:5. 


Lord, thank you for being patient with me and always ready to erase my sins. In your gentle sternness, teach me the lessons I need to sin less in my life, relying on your Holy Spirit to guide my decisions and actions. Thank you that one day I will stand blameless before you in Heaven because of your amazing grace. Amen.

Each time you become aware of having sinned, bring it immediately to Jesus, thanking him for his perfect forgiveness of all your sins including that one. Then invite him to transform that area of your life through his Spirit.

By Julie Cosgrove
Used by Permission

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