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Published on December 22, 2023

“He restores my soul…” Psalm 23:3

The coffee table was full of nicks and scratches. There were rings on its surface from hot cups being placed there. It looked tired in our living room. I suggested we get rid of it. My husband knows wood and he pointed out how sturdy and strong it actually was. “It just needs restoring”, he said and took it to his workshop. When he brought it back it was lovely. Some of the scratches and rings had not come out completely but the way it was sanded and polished they actually enhanced the piece of furniture. Restored!

God knows our own hearts get nicked and scraped and stained by the weariness of life at times. We carry on and do our best. We bolster our courage and find the good. Yet we get tired, and our souls can get dry and parched. For many, it’s not an unfamiliar feeling now, in these days of Covid, as the landscape of uncertainty prevails.

Psalm 23 is a treasure. A lifeline. Take some time to camp on it today. Google the whole Psalm, or open your Bible, and let the words steep into your soul like tea steeps in a pot.  Do it every day this week. You will feel the remarkable difference in your soul.

    • Find a bit of quiet, a place of solitude and ask God to speak to you.
    • Read it slowly.
    • As you do, let the scratches and nicks in your heart be exposed.
    • Acknowledge the shadows of loss you feel.
    • Thank Him that even in the valleys He is there. He will never leave you nor forsake you.
    • Exchange your fears for fresh confidence that He will lead you in the right paths.
    • He will guide you along the way as you follow Him.
    • Even in the midst of struggle, with the enemies of fear and doubt and anxiety, He promises to give provision for what you need, right now, in this moment, today.
    • As he pours His refreshing over you, your heart can find the stepping stones of joy and thankfulness that will keep you moving forward.
    • His goodness and His mercy will follow you. Stop and offer Him your gratitude in the quiet place.

As you let this Psalm of comfort wash over you, you will find your soul being refreshed. As you return to this oasis, and sit in the quiet of His word over you, your soul will be restored.

Father God, I can feel the parched weariness from all that is going on in our world right now. Help me to take a step to move into a place of quiet. I need You. Speak to my heart and mind as I make a point to sit with You this week and let Psalm 23 restore my soul. Thank you that You desire for me to live in fresh confidence in You, my Good Shepherd, even as I journey through the valleys. In the strong name of Jesus I pray, amen.

By Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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