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God’s Unfailing Love

Published on December 28, 2009

by Alec Niemi

Our little church remains active. On Sunday we celebrated the baptism of five people. Two in a hot tub; three in the lake!

Yesterday we did the wake and today we continue with the service, bringing closure for some of our 1st Nations friends who are saying farewell to a loved relative. Both are opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel, of the joy of having a personal relationship with Jesus. The baptism, a celebration that gives testimony of dying to self and rising to a new life in Christ; the funeral, a celebration that gives testimony of dying and rising to a new life with Christ.

My prayer for you this week:

I pray that you are like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; trusting in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever; praising Him forever for what He has done; hoping in His name, for His name is good; and praising Him in the presence of His saints. Amen.” Psalm 52:8-9

Have a great week.

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