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Faltering Faith

Published on August 3, 2021

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; the one who believes in Me will live, even if he dies…” John 11:25

It’s a beautiful story. Two sisters who knew Jesus and had seen Him heal on many occasions, sent for Him when their brother was sick. They knew Jesus could heal him. Their faith was strong. But Jesus delayed His arrival and the brother died. The sisters were grief stricken.

When Jesus arrived and asked them to take Him to where the brother was buried and to have the stone rolled away from the tomb, they objected. “Lord, he will stink by now!” But the stone was rolled away and Jesus called, “Lazarus, come forth!” The brother was raised from the dead!

The sisters, Mary and Martha, had faith that Jesus could heal their brother. But as time passed, and Jesus did not show up as they expected, the brother died. Their faith was crushed.

Yet Jesus waited…to show them Himself in a new way. Not only as they had known Him, as Healer, but now, also as The Resurrection and the Life!

When things look dead around us, and even within us, choosing to turn to Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life, will breath fresh hope and life into our own spirit. His Spirit brings life to the places that are dusty and cold and smelly. His Spirit brings life and hope into circumstances that seem hopeless.

In these upside down days we are living in, let’s allow Jesus to bring that fresh hope to our souls. He wants to reveal Himself in ways we have not yet experienced. He wants to empower our words and actions with life as we engage with those around us. There is more of Jesus’ resurrection power to experience both today and for eternity. Be expectant of Jesus’ power in your life today!

Lord Jesus, I need You. My faith does falter in these days of confusion. Lift my expectation and may I see and experience You in new and fresh ways today. I love You, Lord, and I lift my eyes above all that is going on around me and look to You, the Resurrection and The Life. Please help me to live in expectation today. I pray this in Your strong name, amen.

By Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Beauty out of Brokenness
•  A Struggle of Faith – my son first showed signs of mental illness in his 20’s
•  Salvation Explained