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Living Calm in a Chaotic World

Published on August 31, 2021

“Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Saviour, and my hope is in you all day long.  Psalm 25:4 & 5

It can be challenging to live in a calm way when all around us things often feel unsettled. God knows every detail of our lives. He knows every choice that will be made on this earth and how it will affect us. God’s word tells us that His desire is for us to live with His peace in our hearts. But how do we do that on a Monday morning when the daily news floods in and our own corner of the world feels unsteady and not so peaceful?

The writer of these verses in Psalms gives us a prayer that can be our daily prayer, a place to start each morning and throughout the day. As we pause to invite our Lord to guide us and teach us and keep us on His path, He will reveal truth to our hearts and reassure us of His presence. We can have our hope in Jesus all day long as we focus on inviting Him to show us the way.

Try memorizing these verses, or put it on some stickie notes where you will see it during the day. We often need reminding that our hope can be securely put in God, our Saviour.  He will guide us and show us and teach us as we invite Him to in every situation that arises in our day. We can walk calm, knowing our hope is not in ourselves or in the circumstances swirling around us, but our hope is securely in our God – all day long.

Lord Jesus, Please help me today to walk calm. Remind me at every question mark, every joy, or every confusion in this day, that my hope is in You to show me the way. Thank you that You keep me calm and bring peace to my heart and mind when I pause to shift my eyes from what is going on around me, and ask You to show me Your path. Thank you for Your peace. May I walk calmly today In Your strength. Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

By Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   Sample Prayers
•  How to Pray
•  Salvation Explained