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Published on December 4, 2021

Jesus lifts us from the things that drag us down, and helps us focus on His great love and compassion

“Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise His holy name.
Praise the Lord, O my soul and forget not all His benefits –
-who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,
-who redeems your life from the pit and
-crowns you with love and compassion,
-who satisfies your desires with good things
-so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”
Psalm 103:1-5

As I pause and ponder this beautiful piece of God’s word I am amazed at the picture these words paint.

On the one hand are the things God’s love rescues us from.

So much stress and anxiety come from things we feel we should do and should have done, yet have not. Here God tells us that all, even our sins of omission, the things we have omitted to do, are forgiven. All the past and present “shoulds” are wiped clear off the table. We are released to listen daily to what He instructs us to do, rather than the guilt of the “shoulds” we put upon ourselves.

All the things that erode our minds and our bodies can be brought to Jesus . Much of what we allow to erode our thoughts and steal our peace, is what erodes our bodies as well. He invites us to release our thoughts and emotions, to Him which in turn, brings health to our minds and our bodies.

When the darkness of discouragement, disapproval, disappointment, or anything that dims the Light of Jesus threatens to pull us into the pit, Jesus is there to calm our hearts. He pulls us back to the Light. He releases us from the darkness and redeems our lives.

He draws us to Himself for cleansing, healing and rescue.

 On the other hand, He reminds us of what He restores and renews in our lives as well.

He has crowned us with His love and His compassions that never fail. His faithfulness rests on us and over us. He will empower us to keep the “shoulds” and the erosion and the darkness away.

He places desires in our hearts that will bring good, and then He satisfies those desires Himself. We can have confident expectation that our God brings beauty out of ashes and gives joy in place of mourning as He renews our lives.

As He lifts us from the things that drag us down, and helps us focus on His great love and compassion, our desires change and He brings new fulfillment to our lives. This energizes us with strength, and the confidence of youth rises up within as He enables us to soar like an eagle.

What a beautiful word picture of God’s hand in our lives, first to rescue and redeem us, and then to give us new desires and renewed strength to soar.

Pause and ponder.

Heavenly Father, What a beautiful picture You give us of life lived with You. Please help me today to give to You all the things that tend to drag me down. Help me to focus on  the limitless love and compassion that You crown me with. May I rise up with energy and focus to do the good things that You put in my heart. Thank you for Your faithfulness in my life. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

By Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  The Supernatural Power of Praise
•  God Listens to Us
•  Salvation Explained

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