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Who is On the Lord’s Side

Published on March 27, 2022

How about you and I? Are we on the Lords side?

“looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2

There are those times when the confession of our faith in God is put to test. When God wants to know our true love for Him, above a mere lip service. A time when we are made to choose between two contending forces. A time when we will be expected to stand erect, in a place where millions of persons have decided to bow their heads.

The Levites lived in that time when the entire land decided to worship a golden calf, forgetting the Lord whose mighty hands brought them out of Egypt. When Moses asked, Who is on the Lords side? (Exodus 32:26) Amongst thousands of the Israelites present, The Levites were brave enough to single themselves out and stood for the Lord.

Joseph lived in that time. When Potiphar’s wife presented herself as a piece of cake to be devoured, Joseph chose to honor God with his body. Even though God was not physically present to caution him, Joseph decided to stand for righteousness, over a few minutes of pleasure that will eventually destroy his life.

Daniel lived in that time. In a kingdom (Babylon) that was notorious for corruption and idolatry. He took the decision never to defile himself for the king’s meat or to secure a temporary position in the king’s palace. He prayed three times daily against the king’s order to be thrown into the den of lions. He fearlessly stood on the Lords side.

How about you and I? Are we on the Lords side?

God is looking for a crop of believers who are ready and willing to stand up for Him in a world where iniquity is speedily taking the front row. God is looking for those that will say Father, not my will but let your will be done on earth. God is seeking for those whose lives will proclaim the gospel without them verbally doing so. God is looking for those that will tarry in prayer for perishing souls. God is seeking for those who will stand for righteousness and holiness at the expense of dining with the idolatrous king.

Time is running out fast…

Are you on the Lords side?

By Deborah Yemi-Oladayo
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   Grandparents Army

•  Hailing the Chief a story about how we all pray differently but often don’t even stop to fellowship with God while we are praying.

•  Salvation Explained

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