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Published on September 3, 2023

United Airlines has a slogan . . . “Place your expectations in the upright position.”


We all have them.
We may call them by a different name – hopes, dreams, visions for the future, a reason to set goals today.

Expectations lie embedded in every one of us.
The key that gives a glimpse into tomorrow.
The driving force behind today.

The Hebrew calls them: “the thing that I long for.”

But what if we did “place our expectations in the upright position”?

What if we placed all our hopes, dreams, visions, and goals in a position higher than ourselves; outside of ourselves; beyond ourselves?

Forward and Upward.

On a God who sees the end from the beginning.
Who knows our thoughts before we think them.
Who knows our dreams, hopes, visions, goals . . . our “expectations” . . . before they were ever “the thing that we long for.”

What if we DID place our expectations in the upright position?

We would find ourselves within sight of our journey’s end.

We would constantly be aware that beyond today’s journey lies a hope beyond our expectations.  Greater than we can visualize.

My expectation is from HIM,” David said (Psalm 62:5).

Forward and Upward.

The perfect position to place all that we long for.
The upright position.

By Bethany Hayes
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

A Poem of Hope …”I feel the arms of God around me”

19 Ways to Encourage Others

•  Salvation Explained

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