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Speak Up

Published on September 17, 2022

“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7

I am not an evangelist; not by any stretch of the imagination. It seemed I couldn’t even wax poetic about the glorious nature of Jesus as a new, on-fire believer. Then there were my numerous insecurities which served as a frustrating blockade.

Through the years, my eyes would fall on today’s verse, bringing lament and questions as to why I couldn’t be bolder when it came to my faith. That if I couldn’t be loud and proud about what Jesus did for me on the cross, I had no business professing to be Christian.

I would watch pastors reach out to their audience with ease and relatability whenever approaching the subject of salvation. I, often, became so captivated by their message that I would pray to receive Jesus as my Savior all over again. Then discouragement would follow, reducing the raging brush fire of my freshly-stoked declaration to that of a candle wick struggling to stay lit in the wind.

Out of all the daily prayers I lifted up in my believing life, receiving brevity and fearlessness to share the gospel remained unanswered. I was confident that my pleas for the power to talk to people about Jesus weren’t meant to be answered. Thankfully, I was wrong.

In the world of real estate it’s all about location, location, location. With almighty God it’s all about timing, timing, timing. Not only do I believe that I was born for such a time as we are in now, but I firmly attest that God is answering my most skeptically prayed prayer.

With an increase of evil in our world alongside the emergence of unprecedented events, the Lord has stoked a fresh fire within, causing me to be unabashed about my faith in a way that’s authentic, loving, and urgent. It’s a haunting realization of these end times that has the indwelling Holy Spirit catapulting me into action.

Abiding in Christ through his Word and lining up pages of Scripture with the world’s headlines fills me with an even heavier burden that will no longer be silenced; even with my ever-present insecurities. I have to speak up because I love Jesus and the lost.

Every believer has a story to tell that someone needs to hear, making the difference between heaven and hell for them. Just as God brought me to the place where sharing my faith is exciting, emboldening, and tailor-made in line with my personality, he will do the same for you. Trust him with the timing. He will give you everything required to share your faith, effectively, with others and in line with today’s Scripture.

Heavenly Father, thank you for answering my prayer to express my faith, confidently, with those around me. Thank you for your perfect timing that has brought me to a place where I feel comfortable sharing the good news of the gospel. You always know what is best. I praise you, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

If you are someone who is fearful of sharing your beliefs with others, read and meditate on the truth of today’s verse, allowing it to shatter that fear and fill you with the confidence that God will give you the power to speak up

By Melissa Talbot
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

Making a Difference

•   Caring Enough to Tell Others about Christ

•  Salvation Explained

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