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You are God’s Artwork

Published on September 23, 2022

For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to doEphesians 2:10

Cutting words; hurtful intentions; half-truths.

We have all felt the sting of humiliation when we experience a misrepresentation of the facts.

Just because words are said out loud does not make them true.

Yet such incidents can leave us unexpectedly insecure long after the actual event. We can feel shaken and even small. God sees when injustice happens and He cares. He answers the cry of a hurting heart. He answers the cry of your hurting heart.

God Himself reassures you. You are his workmanship. You are created and designed by Father God to do things… good things… things that God already had planned out for you to do! So hold your head high. Let your life itself refute the distorted half-truths. Seek to do the things God had planned for you. Watch for them and be available when opportunities to show his love open up in front of you. Call on Him throughout the day to help you react in a manner fitting of God’s workmanship.

Yes, “God’s workmanship”! That’s you! His strength will carry you! He will walk beside you into your today with all its challenges. He will fulfill you with deeds planned for you. Ask him to show you one small thing to do for him today. Others will try to define “who” you are by their words and their actions toward you, but know “whose” you are and let your confidence soar at the thought!

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the reassurance that I am your workmanship. You, the God of the universe, have a stake in my future! Wow! You have things prepared for me to do because you know best who I am and what will fulfill me. Thank you that I am yours! Help me walk today in the confidence of knowing You have a purpose for me and You will guide and help me walk it out. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Are you struggling today with words and half-truths that have been spoken about you in a mean spirited way? God wants you to see you the way He does, as His art piece, made special to touch others lives.

By Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Getting Life Back on Track by Marvin Kehler

•  Dealing with Despair and dark moments of the soul

•  Salvation Explained

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