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Small Words, Large Meaning

Published on February 3, 2010

by Marilyn Ehle

“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us—so that your (God’s) ways may be known on earth…so that all the ends of the earth will fear him”. Psalm 67:1-2 & 7

How many Bible studies have I participated in where I have been challenged—or have challenged others—to glean the “big idea” for the verses under consideration? In the well-meant pursuit to discover the primary meaning, or perhaps to dig beneath the surface, it is easy to gloss over simple, small words intended to have tremendous impact.

In the psalm quoted above, the writer clearly calls to God for blessing. How often the Jews were in danger from their enemies or living in the sorrow of captivity. They were pleading for relief, even for victory in the midst of unbelievable odds. But somehow—perhaps looking back to the Abrahamic Covenant which stated that all peoples on earth will be blessed through you, or forward to the words of Christ, go into all the world—the writer sees that God’s gracious blessing has a purpose far beyond personal application.

When God pours his blessing into our lives, the purpose spills over to the world around us: so that God’s ways may be known on earth. Any other plea for blessing is far too small.

Father, thank you for the blessings you regularly pour into my life; help me creatively see each one expanding into the lives of those around me.

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