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What Happened to the Golden Rule?

“Do to others as you would have them do to you” (Luke 6:31).

I stopped by our dry-cleaners to pick up my coat. It was 3:30 pm, after school, and mothers were in line to get their cleaning as well. The clerk behind the counter was at least eight months pregnant.

My attention was drawn to the woman beside me who very rudely complained about her bill. I found this interesting because we are told the price of the cleaning bill when we drop off the clothes. She left in a huff and the next woman in line was even more rude and abrasive. She had three daughters with her, all observing this scene.

Next came a woman who pushed herself to the front of the line saying, “I’m next.” Fortunately, the woman she shoved aside didn’t fight for her position. Neither did the clerk react. She was calm, cool and collected.

The women were obviously in a high stress mode. Was it the tyranny of the urgent? Was it the bills that needed to be paid? Was it the fact that they were working, raising a family and keeping house? Was it because the clerk was a woman of color and they didn’t think she needed to be treated with kindness? I don’t know, but it made me wonder what has happened to the Golden Rule:

“Do to others as you want them to do to you.”

I wondered what the younger generation is going to be like when they become parents.

Think about it. As grandparents, and the older generation, we have a responsibility to teach the younger generation the Golden Rule. Ask God to show you the opportunities He has prepared for you.

Father, You are so gracious and kind to us. We are the followers of Jesus. Help us to be gracious and kind to everyone we meet today. Show us the opportunities to teach the younger generation. Amen.

by Katherine Kehler
used by permission

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