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“Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit though the bond of peace” Ephesians 4:3

Our local school board announced that they would be closing three of the smaller, rural schools in our municipality. Two of our granddaughters attend one of those schools. It is a great school with wonderful school spirit and the parents are very involved.

When the parents heard this announcement, they united. Their goal was clear. They would do everything they could to keep this school open. They formed committees, did research, lobbied, offered great ideas to help raise funds to keep the school open. United, creative and zealous! They had a cause that was going to affect the lives of their children.

Our daughter was very involved in this cause. I watched with amazement how these parents worked together tirelessly. I hadn’t seen such a spirit of unity for a long time.

What would it take to cause Christians to “make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace?” What would it take to unite believers for the common cause to proclaim the gospel to every nation? What would it take for us to unite to put a cup of clean water into the hands of every child? What would it look like if this were to happen? I ask myself these questions sometimes.

‘Father,’” Jesus prayed, ‘May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and d them even as you d me’” (John 17:23)

Oh, by the way, the school is not closing down. In fact, it will be changed to a fundamental school (teachers focus on the fundamentals) and any parents in that municipality can register their children in that school. The waiting line is growing. Unity brings powerful results!

Father, would You please make Christ’s prayer come true in the body of Christ. Change our hearts. Thank You! Amen.

by Katherine Kehler
used by permission

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