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by Alec Niemi

Commitment and obedience are
often thought to be synonymous.
And yet our actions have them
appear to be more antonymous.
Others would have us think that
they were more cryptonymous.
And yes there are those who would
have them be far more anonymous.
They keep our actions and us all
from becoming pseudonymous.
Committed obedience’ is required
to have them become retronymous,
And when applied to all we do or say,
they then become more eponymous.
And with a little suffixation used
‘nymous’ applied becomes acronymous.

Now You Must Obviously Unequivocally Smile!

As I was meditating on the word this morning I sensed a real conviction for commitment to obedience. Commitment obedience gives a desire for a deeper application of our service to the Lord. Rather than just ‘lip service,’ I desire to do ‘active service’ for the Lord.

My prayer for us this week

Heavenly Father we commit ourselves to carefully following you and the commands you give us knowing that, as we do, you set us high above all the nations on earth and you will bless us as we obey you our LORD and our God. In Jesus name, amen.” Deuteronomy 28:1-2

For those who were wondering:
metonymous    -Rhetoric in which concept is not called by its own name
synonymous     -Similar or same
antonymous    -Opposite
cryptonymous     -Code name
pseudonymous    -Using a fictitious name
retronymous     -modifier -obedience becomes stronger when committed
eponymous    -One for whom something is named
acronymous    -Formed from the initial letters

Have a great week

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