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About William S Stoddard

William Sabin Stoddard, was born and grew up in Rochesther, New York.  He attended Haverford College and Princeton Seminary, graduating in 1940.  He was an Assistant Pastor and Youth Pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and then Senior Pastor at Homestead Presbyterian Church until late 1947 when he became Senior Pastor at Angeles Mesa Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles, California.  In 1960 he was asked to become the Senior Pastor at Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church in the Bay Area, retiring in 1976.  During the ensuring years he was the Protestant Chaplain on both the Royal Viking Line and Holland America Cruise Lines.  He and his wife, Henrietta, ministered to many during those years on the sea.

He received an honorary doctorate from Whitworth College in Spokane, Washington where he served on their Board of Trustees.

Dr. Stoddard’s wife Henrietta went to be with her Lord in 1993.  They had been married 54 years.  They had four children, all now living and serving their Lord in various capacities.  Dr. Stoddard and Henrietta both lived long enough to hold the first of their fourth generation great-grandchildren.

Dr. Stoddard’s great desire was to complete all 365 days of these devotionals (First Light) and see them published.  God was gracious and granted that desire only days before he too was “called Home” in September 1997.

Book: FIRST LIGHT by William S. StoddardHe would have been amazed and grateful to have seen this web based electronic version of his book “First Light: Morning Conversations with God” going out throughout the world!

The book can be purchased at: