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About Lynn Mosher

About Lynn Mosher

Raised in Kentucky, Lynn Mosher became a believer at the tender age of eleven. Years later, after making many mistakes and experiencing the trials of life, she fully committed her life to the Lord.

At a time of physical upheaval in 2000, the Lord whispered His desire for Lynn take up her pen and write for Him. God sheltered His gift in her and cultivated it, turning her life towards her one, true ministry calling in her later years.

In obedience, Lynn crafts all types of inspirational works. With this new passion, Lynn embraced her mission to reach others through Christ-honoring literature, encouraging them in their walk and offering comfort through the written word.

Through the years, Lynn has learned this: In trusting Him, we find that each Jordan barrier can converted to an open portal, every pit offers golden nuggets, and every valley of despair becomes a mountaintop of joy, when we Trust in Him.

Married since 1966, Lynn is a wife, mother of three, sister, grandmother, and writer seeking to follow God’s will.

“Now, go, write it before them on a tablet and inscribe it in a book,

that it may be as a witness for the time to come forevermore.”

Isaiah 30:8 Amplified

⇒  ARCHIVE of Lynn’s Devotionals on this website