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What If. . .?

by Bethany Hayes

Of all the questions we ask in life,
the “What if.
. . ?”questions seem to be the most popular.  What if this happens?  What if that doesn’t happen?  What if so-and-so doesn’t come through on his promise?  What if she were to do such-and-such. . . .What if. . .?  “What if” questions rarely have answers.  But we tend to ask them anyway.

The disciples did the same thing.  They begged for unattainable answers to complicated questions.  Jesus explained to His followers how unprofitable this questioning is.  To be free from anxiety involves asking a completely different set of questions—questions with simple answers.

See if you can answer the same questions He asked His disciples:

•    Aren’t your life and your body more important than food and clothing? (Matthew 6:25)
•    The birds of the air are fed by your heavenly Father.  Aren’t you more valuable to Him than they are? (Matthew 6:26)
•    Which of you by worrying can add to your height or your life span? (Matthew 6:27)
•    If God clothes the momentary grass of the field with such beauty, won’t He provide your needs in greater abundance? (Matthew 6:30)

The disciples knew the answers to these questions.   And so do we.

We are all prone to ask the complicated “what if” questions, when we should be dwelling on what we already know.   The simple, unchangeable truth will turn our focus away from our cares to the God who cares.  Let’s not unnecessarily carry them on our own.

Suggested reading: Matthew 6:25-34

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