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A Warm and Soothing Sensation

Published on September 16, 2008

Years ago I fell and broke my ankles. For days after it happened I had no feeling in the bottom of my left foot and sharp stabbing pain in my toes when muscles cramped up. The pain would only be released by someone taking my toes and bending them up and down. I had casts on both legs and couldn’t reach down far enough to bend the toes myself so I was always grabbing someone to bend them and release the pain. One day while I had a visit from a friend my foot started cramping again so I had him bend my toes because the pain was driving me crazy.  Later, before he left, while he was praying for me my foot started cramping up again. I didn’t want to interrupt the prayer so I just gritted my teeth and waited.

And then I felt a hand on my foot. A warm and soothing sensation went through my whole foot. I thought that my friend had noticed my anguish and had gone down to the foot of the bed to bend my toes. It felt good. I could feel the warmth of the hand and the stabbing pain went away. After his ‘amen‘ I opened my eyes and was about to thank him for bending my toes when I noticed that he was still up by the head of the bed. Looking down to see who was holding my toes I was astonished to see that there was no one there. The warmth remained and the cramping never happened again. I am grateful that he was there to pray.

Later that day when the doctor drew his pen up the bottom of my foot I jumped because it tickled. I was improving…  I now had feeling in the bottom of my foot.

My prayer for you this week

“I pray that you are being blessed because you are following the example set for you by your ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and washing the feet of others. Amen.” John 13:13-17

Have a great week!

By Alec Niemi

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