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Watch Out for Shifting Sand

Published on December 8, 2016

Shifting sand, apple house in the desert

Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.Matthew 7:24-25

In today’s consumer crazed culture, Christian communicators and commentators saturate the marketplace with various media to meet believers’ appetite for spiritual insight and clarity. Many of these well-intentioned offerings complement and supplement Scripture; however, many cultivate a divisive theological environment that misrepresents the uncompromising truth of God’s Word.

In the first century, Jewish rabbis roamed Judea with their followers, interpreting, debating, and reiterating God’s Word. Many prominent religious leaders contributed to the conversation by offering their expert opinion and commentary on Scripture.

Just like today, diverse and divisive theology arose which misrepresented God’s word. As the Living Word (the Bible), Jesus assures His followers that His understanding of God’s Word is reliable and infallible. He characterizes a wise man as someone who hears His words and acts on them. James and John reiterate that, as His followers, we must prioritize His Word as our primary counsel and authority, and obediently and faithfully practice it.

Today, Christian books and other teaching tools are an essential element of Christian discipleship. However, believers must discern truth by measuring everything according to the only infallible words of wisdom – the Words of the Living Word. The written Word and the Living Word testify of eternal wisdom, truth, and life.

In today’s diverse and distracting theological environment, we need to keep our eyes on Jesus and prioritize His Word, so that when the rains come…the streams rise…the winds blow—which inevitably they will, we shall not fall.

Thank You that You sent Jesus, the Living Word to lead us into all truth. Empower me, through Your Holy Spirit to faithfully and obediently be a doer of the Word. Amen.

Ask yourself this question: Is God’s Word my primary authority? If your answer is yes, then consider how you can better honor and reflect His Word in your daily life. Write down the steps you feel God is asking you to take to prioritize His Word more. Then set a time to get started.

By Allan Mitchell

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