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The God of All Grace

Published on August 28, 2022

“After you have suffered a little while, He will restore, support and strengthen you, and He will place you on a firm foundation.” 1 Peter 5:10

Peter picks up the theme of our being perfectly equipped in Christ with these words:  “He will restore, support, and strengthen you, and He will place you on a firm foundation.”  God Himself must be the one object of our hope and trust in our work, our needs, and our desires.

Just as God is the center of the universe, the one guide that orders and controls its movements, so God must have the same place in the life of the believer.  With every new day our first thought should be: Only God can enable me this day to live as He would have me to live.

What should be our attitude towards this God?  Shouldn’t we humbly place ourselves in His hands and confess our absolute helplessness?  We must yield ourselves in childlike surrender to receive from Him the fulfillment of His promise:

The God of peace equip you with all you need for doing His will.” Hebrews 13:20.

Some of us have learned how absolutely indispensable it is to meet with God every morning in prayer and to allow Him to take charge of our life for the day.  This is exactly the point Peter is trying to get across.  In light of what this day might hold for us, our heart must rest on God and His Word to restore, support, and strengthen us.

By Andrew Murray
Used by permission.

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From: ‘Teach Me to Pray‘,
published by Barbour Publishing, Inc.

Further Reading

•   Father God’s Intimate Love Letter to You

•  God is Gentle and Humble

•  Salvation Explained

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