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God Gives Us what We Need

Published on August 28, 2022

To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds.”  Daniel 1:17

Here he was, a young man taken captive, finding himself in a new country with a great many strange new customs, literature, language, and more.

Daniel and his three friends had an amazing attitude and a faith in God in the midst of this huge, hard change in their lives. Daniel resolved not to defile his body with the rich food and wine offered to them in this new and strange place. He asked for permission for him and his friends to eat only vegetables and water to prove God could sustain them.

After 10 days, they were healthier than all the rest. Daniel’s reliance on God gave him and his friends the edge in this new place they had been transplanted to in days of siege and turmoil. They were placed in positions of responsibility.

God gave these four men exactly what they needed. They had knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning, and they found favor. Deep challenges came, yet God positioned them, provided for them, and protected them. Their stories, as told in the Book of Daniel, show their miraculous safety in the fiery furnace or the den of lions.

If you find yourself in a strange place today, needing knowledge and understanding, ask God to provide what you need. He has done it before. I’ve seen him do it for me, and he can do it for you. Trust his hand of care, trust his face of love, and walk with him through the challenges.

Father God, thank you for the stories of old that remind us of who you are and all we have in you as we trust you. Please guide me today to the knowledge and understanding I need as I walk in this place you have placed me. I declare my trust in you to provide for me all I need as I face the challenges of the day. Thank you. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Take time to read Daniel 3. What can you learn from these brave young men?

Do you believe God will give you what you need?

By Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   God Listens to Us

•   How Does God Do It?

•  Salvation Explained

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