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Looking Out for Others

Published on August 30, 2022

“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”  Philippians 2:4

You may have a busy life – a time-consuming job, a big family, a caregiver on top of your regular responsibilities, and the list goes on. But in spite of your busy life, have you ever thought to check up on your fellow believers? How often have you taken a moment to text, call, email, or visit with a friend, just to see how they’re doing?

Paul writes to the Philippians and calls us to care for others. He doesn’t say, “If you have a busy life, you’re exempt from looking out for others.” No exception to the rule is listed. God calls us to actively consider others above ourselves and serve them.

Paul even addressed self-absorption as problematic in his day later on in the chapter when he mentions how his Timothy was one of the only ones who cared to know how the Philippians were doing and guide them in their faith (Philippians 2:19-24).

Consider the people in your own community. Do people know they are cared for? Some of your brothers and sisters in Christ may feel neglected or alone in their walk. Some may be struggling, looking for guidance with no one to turn to. This should not be! As brothers and sisters in Christ, we have the privilege of caring for each other. It starts with you and me sharing the love God has given us with those around us.

Dear Lord, please open my eyes to people around me who are struggling that I may encourage them in you. Amen.

Think about one person you can minister to on a monthly basis. Check up on them weekly if they will allow it and visit with them or serve them once a month in some sort of capacity, whether that be mentoring them over coffee, running errands for them, mowing their lawn, etc. It will be tough if you’re not used to it, but rewarding!

By Ashlea Massie
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   Feature Author

•   Angels and Miracles

•  Salvation Explained