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What God Already Gave: His Son

Published on December 23, 2018

What is the best Christmas present you’ve ever received?

When I was younger, it was anything Strawberry Shortcake. For a while, I was all about gift cards. This year, the Lord keeps reminding me of something He already gave.

Unto us a child is born. Unto us a son is given. (Isaiah 9:6)

Unto us.

These two words are repeated over and over in Handel’s song, “For unto us a Child is Born.” Two nights ago, I enjoyed listening to the St. Louis Symphony and choir perform his masterful piece, Messiah.  I had never noticed how much Handel emphasized those two little words in that song.

Unto us.

When God the Father sent His son, He sent a gift to us. Jesus wasn’t placed in a manger because He was itching to know what it was like to be a baby. He didn’t beg His Father to let Him come to earth to go fishing or to build things in a carpenter shop.

God gave His Son to us.

He was born. He was given. Isaiah said.

Unto us.

The best gifts are the ones that say, “I noticed you could use one of these.” Or, “I’ve taken the time to get to know you, and I knew you would love this.”

When God gave His Son, He was saying these very same things.

He knew we needed His Son to rescue us from ourselves and from our sin; to bridge the gap between a holy God and our unworthiness. God knew we needed a mediator, a man whose blood would be the only sacrifice sufficient to cover our sin and give us access to our God in heaven.

He knew we needed Jesus, so “Unto us a child is born.”

God loved His Son. He loved the world. And He so loved the world, He gave His Son (John 3:16). He knew that once we believed on Him, we would love Him, too.

God knows us so well, He wanted to give us the best gift He could think of, so “Unto us a son is given.”

While the world tells Santa what they want for Christmas, we can thank the Lord for what He already gave.

God gave His Son.

Unto us.

There is born to you this day in the city of David, a Savior.
(Luke 2:11)

By Bethany Hayes
Used by Permission

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