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More than Faithful

Published on February 26, 2020

I watched the sunset tonight.

You know what thought never crossed my mind?

That it wouldn’t rise again in the morning.

I’m not going to wake up tomorrow, and find the sky as black as it is now.

The sun will rise again.

It always does.

The Psalmist once said: “My soul waits for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning—yes, more than they that watch for the morning.” (Psalm 130:6)

His soul waited on his God more than those who were sure that the morning would come.

We have no doubt the sun will rise tomorrow.

We can wait in expectation on the Lord even more than that.
We can be even more assured that our God will come through for us.
We can hope in Him that much.

The sun will rise again tomorrow.

I can say that with full assurance. Because it always does.

Our God will come through for us.

I can say that with even more assurance.

Because our God is more faithful than even the times and the seasons coming and going.

His ways are not as predictable as the sun rising and setting.

But His faithfulness is.

His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning.
Great is Your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22,23)

By Bethany Hayes
Used by Permission

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