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Never Thirsty

Published on June 3, 2022

“The water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”  John 4:14

They were breaking all kinds of century-old traditions.

He, the Messiah.
She, an outcast from Samaria.

A Jewish man and a Samaritan woman, engaging in conversation.

She came to the well thirsty for something.
Searching for something she couldn’t put her finger on.
Looking in all the wrong places.

Then Jesus passed by (in reality . . . He drew near).
And He showed her that she had a need far greater than thirst for water.

He was aware of the dissatisfaction she had experienced in life.
About her attempt to fulfill a longing she didn’t properly understand.
The sin that was the result.
The brokenness all this searching had led to.

Her thirst was the longing of every human heart.
A place in our lives only Christ can satisfy.

So He offered her “living water.

Christ offered her the satisfaction of HIMSELF.

Satisfaction that’s there to stay.
A constant Source.
A constant flow of contentment and strength.
Every day.
Every MOMENT of the day.

She had been asking the tough, timeless questions:
Where is true satisfaction?
Why am I living an unfulfilled life?
When will I ever stop searching for contentment?
Why am I always thirsty for more?

Jesus gave her the “living water” of Himself.

And it became like a well within her from which she could constantly drink.

Others would disappoint her.
Other things in life would never be completely fulfilling.

But it wouldn’t matter anymore.

The sufficiency of Christ was enough for her now.  Something she could constantly draw from and “never thirst.”

So she left her water pot.
She left all the things that never completely satisfied.

And she went away with something that can never be taken from any person who has truly believed on Christ – a well of water “springing up into everlasting life.”

Draw from Him today.
He will never leave you thirsty for something else.

by Bethany Hayes
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  How to Pray

•   Forgiveness – Yourself and  Others

•  Salvation Explained

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