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Contentment in October

Published on October 3, 2023

Read Contentment by Richard Swen

…I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:11b-13

Where I live October is a transition month. By October summer is all put away. The lawnmower sits idle in the shed, and deck chairs lean against the back of the house. Annual flowers once in full bloom now rot in compost piles, the wooden window boxes from which they came are empty, dusty, and gray. The garden hose is safely away where winter frost cannot freeze remaining water to bulge and crack its lining. Where I live October marks the time when maples once afire with reds and oranges begin looking skeleton, their stick bones arching into grey skies. Mornings turn cold, and you are happy to see the sun for half a day and rarely full-on warm. Geese cruise south in misshapen V’s, and somewhere up river salmon die by the millions after spawning. October is when we lessen outdoor activities and start trying to keep warm and dry. The morning mist and low clouds can get to you. In October the change from fun and sun to glum highlights the difference between happiness and joy of spirit. I have heard that the difference between the two is their source. Happiness derives from external things like merry-go-rounds, ice cream, and walks on the beach, while joy comes from an inner contentment from being known and loved.

Do you know that God loves you? That he yearns for you to invite him more deeply into your life? That he hopes to be your strength and contentment when seasons change?

Help me Lord to rest in your provision, that you know and love and care for me deeply. Help me open my life to you so I may know your joy more fully. Amen.

TODAY:  Thank God that despite the change of seasons His love for you is everlasting

By Dr. Bill Strom
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

• Secret of Contentment – by Phil Ware

Contentment – by Idelette McVicker

Peace and Contentment – A Poem to God by Margaret Mullings


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