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Loose the Weight of Shame

Published on September 7, 2020

Have you ever played Hide and Seek with a two-year-old?

You close your eyes and count to ten, turn around and you can see his feet sticking out from under the blanket. It’s like that when we try to hide from God. We think we’re being so clever, but God just sees right through us.

We know that we are forgiven. So why do we try to hide from God? There are so many reasons:

    • We hide because we’re ashamed.
    • We hide because of our pride.
    • We hide because we want to pretend that we are better than we are.
    • We hide because we doubt God’s love.
    • We hide because we want to punish ourselves.
    • We hide because we have not yet forgiven ourselves.
    • We worry that there is a limit to his forgiveness, and that this time his love might have run out.

Trust in God’s forgiveness — that is where true freedom lies.

In Matthew 18, Peter asks Jesus how often he should forgive his brother. Jesus replies, I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.

If we humans — frail, limited, and full of envy — are expected to forgive 77 times, how much more limitless is God’s forgiveness for us?

Psalm 103:11-13 says, For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

Shame is one of Satan’s greatest tools. He lies to us and says, “Look at your life, you’re no example. How could you ever share the Gospel?” He whispers that God doesn’t really love us. He tells us to stay quiet, stay small, and hope that God doesn’t notice our awful sin. But we don’t need to live under the weight of shame.

One of my favorite verses is 2 Corinthians 5:17, Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

This verse and others tell me that I have a complete new identity now that I am in Christ: in God’s eyes, I am pure, holy, honorable — utterly forgiven and loved. God already sees me the way I will be in eternity — perfectly delivered from all sin, fully in God’s image (1 John 3:1-4).

The next time you want to play hide and seek with God, ask him to remind you of who you are in his sight.

By Claire Colvin
Used by Permission

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Studies by William S. Stoddard:

  1. The Way to Know God
  2. The Everlasting God


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