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The Professional Killer Got It

Published on October 5, 2019

“And when the centurion, who stood there in front of Jesus, saw how he died, he said,Surely this man was the Son of God!’”  Mark 15:39

Throughout his life, Jesus affected people on many different levels. Some responded to the miracles he performed. Some followed Jesus after he healed them. Others were drawn in by his radical teachings.

A Roman centurion, who had a brief encounter with Jesus at the cross, may have gone to work that day expecting no more than to oversee yet another crucifixion. Or maybe he knew about the uproar over Jesus and expected a hectic day of keeping order among rising tensions in Jerusalem. Regardless, this centurion, who had probably seen many people die at the hands of the Roman Empire, saw something different in Jesus’ death.

This story always makes me pause. In the middle of chaos, when others were in despair over the tragic turn of events, this Roman, a professional killer, had a moment of clarity and saw Jesus for who he really was.

We never know how a person will come to faith in Christ. Maybe it’s a kind gesture from a neighbor. Maybe an invitation to a Bible study, where questions are asked and debated, will lead them to believe. It might take a hundred different encounters to draw someone to Jesus.

We never know how our actions and words will affect someone, or how our prayers may turn someone’s heart to seek a deeper relationship with Christ.

Perhaps some people need to hear your story of faith. Pray for the people around you. Show kindness when possible. Point others to Jesus.

Lord, show me who needs to see you today. How can I reflect your love to those around me? Lead me by your Spirit to those who need you. Amen.

By Debbie West
Used by Permission

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