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Risky Business

Published on September 3, 2020

“God demonstrated His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

How many of you would jump out of an airplane, or bungee-jump over a mile-high canyon, or race a car over one hundred miles an hour? Risky? You bet! But many people love to take these risks, even when it means putting their lives in someone else’s hands. The thrill and rush of adrenaline drives out their fear.

What about loving somebody? Really, deeply, openly loving another person? Now that can be scary. Riding a zip-line is one thing, but giving someone your heart is a completely different kind of risk. Loving means letting another person really know you. It also gives them the power to really hurt you.

God is that kind of vulnerable love. He understands what it means to be rejected by those whom He loves. Since the rebellion of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, people have turned against God. Yet, when it came to giving up His Son, Jesus, to die for those who broke His heart, He did it willingly. He knew the risks and still chose to love us at the ultimate cost.

Thousands of years later, He still offers that unwavering love. He offers hope, purpose and belonging to all and knows that some will love Him back and others will continue to reject Him. Could you do the same?

As God’s people, we are called to this hundred-mile-an-hour, jump-from-the-plane kind of love.

You know the risk. Will you take it?

Lord, thank You for taking the risk to love me. Give me the courage and strength to love others the way You love me. Amen.

Thought: Ask Jesus to help you in loving that difficult person in your life.

By Debbie West
Used by Permission

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