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That You May Overflow

Published on July 1, 2021

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.Romans 15:13

This morning, I met with two friends who expressed that they are learning to trust Jesus at deeper levels. He has been faithful through many valleys and twists and turns in their journey. Now, one friend has to trust Him through the journey of failing health — not knowing what is around the corner. We affirmed that we would choose to trust the Lord through challenges and storms and that we needed deeper levels of joy and peace.

Paul reminds us that God is our hope. He is perfect, able, almighty, and greater than anything. He does not change, He is faithful, He keeps His word, and His flawless character assures His promises. He is able to fill us completely with joy and peace if we trust Him. To trust Him is to believe in His steadfast strength.

Paul says that in the power of the Holy Spirit, our peace and joy overflows — and will be more than enough. Is the LORD your source of confident hope? Will you choose to trust Him and rest in Him so you can find overflowing joy and peace?

We need the Holy Spirit to calm our hearts and give us the joy and peace we seek. It takes discipline to keep our eyes on Jesus and to look to Him as our source of hope. This involves staying in His word, surrendering afresh, and asking for the power to trust Him and experience overflowing joy and peace daily, and sometimes, even moment by moment!

LORD, as an act of our will we set our eyes on You today and look again to You as our source of hope. Thank You that You are greater than whatever set of circumstances we find ourselves in. Fill us by Your Spirit till we overflow with joy and peace. Calm our hearts and help us receive from You everything we need as we trust You. Amen.

By Donna Mitchell
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   Testimonies:  Why I Choose God
•   Going Deeper with God
•  Salvation Explained

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