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The Gift of Experience

Published on February 17, 2017

daily devotional

Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” Proverbs 3:5&6

In the fall of 2013 I found myself in a very deep pit. I was over-committed, exhausted, stressed out, and severely depressed. Circumstances and habits of worry had started me on a downward spiral that ended in extended time off from work, counseling, and medication. I knew I had to make some permanent changes in my life.

Thankfully, I got the help I needed and I began to dig my way out of the pit. Little by little I began to find my footing and learned how to put margins in my life and live healthier. In the beginning, I remember how much it meant to me when someone told me, “You’re going to get through this. You will get better.

Not only did I get better, I gained more than I ever imagined through the experience. I found my strength and I found my voice.

Read more of Debbie’s story of burnout.

Looking back on the whole, horrible experience, I see what a precious gift it was. My life and health was entirely in God’s hands — and only then could I experience His strength to get me through. It is a gift I share with other people now. Some people live with the shame of mental health issues like depression, but I found that being open about my experience has forged strong relationships with other people who struggle with similar issues. My story has helped others get out of their own pit and have hope that life can get better.

God, help me be truly thankful for the hard things and send my way others whom can benefit from my story. Amen.

By Debbie West

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