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3 keys for a Strong New Beginning

Published on January 14, 2025

Knowing what you want out of life is important but it’s not enough. It takes more than boldness but humility as well to go ahead with your life goals.

When it’s time for God to move you to a new sphere and make you more affluent, God can end the big thing you’ve been working on and start something new in your life. If you’re not careful, you may dread the new or even keep looking back. The sooner you accept the past is over and you look ahead with a heart of gratitude, the easier it becomes for you to build a great future.

Focusing on starting something afresh will give you hope and propel you forward rather than putting your mind on the past.

Unless you are humble enough, you will not accept to move forward with the new.

Key #1 Your perception

After they anointed David as a future King, he stayed in the wilderness for many years till he lived out his appointment as a king. Not only did it take patience, but humility. David didn’t know how long he had to wait to take over from King Saul. One of the most admirable character traits of King David is that he waited for whatever time it would take for him to become King.

So, if you believe God is greater than yourself, you will learn to trust Him. Humility will help you and I to depend on Him. If you perceive God as powerful, you will believe He can do what appears to be impossible for you.

Key #2 Self

We all have selfishness in us. Not only do we want things to go well but we want to do better than others. This is one trait of humanity. However, it takes humility to assist those assigned to you—to consider their needs. No one can help everyone. Yet, when you accept to help others, you become more selfless. As this happens, putting others first is a sign of humility. However, this doesn’t mean you need to permit others to walk all over you.

Key #3 Your new beginning

We need to defeat self-exaltation. While it’s great to envision something big as part of your life’s goals, it takes the strength of humility to be willing to start something small.

Almost everyone feels fear with a new beginning. However, if you are humble enough to be willing to start small and to do it afraid, God will exalt you.

He will then enlarge your territories at the right time.

by Fab Batsakis
used by permission

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