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Feeling Uncertain

Published on March 12, 2025

It always amazes me how God’s word speaks directly to the situations of life today.  God underlined His clear directives for us in uncertain times.

Every one of us faces uncertainty of some kind as we walk through life.

It varies for each of us in the details yet God’s directive is clear and direct for each one of us. Five little verses in 1 Peter 4:7-10 give us specific steps to take in uncertain times as we await Christ’s return.

“Be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in it’s various forms.”  1 Peter 4:7-10

1. Be clear minded. Stay focused on God and His strength and power. Look above the circumstances to His might and trust Him.

2. Be self-controlled. Pay attention to what is happening within your heart and mind and choose to dwell on the power of the Holy Spirit to help steady you. He will give you the power not to lean on unhealthy solutions in uncertain times.

3. Pray. Acknowledge God in every area of your life. Invite Him to come into your finances, your relationships, the question marks in your future and dialogue with Him about the uncertainties. Be sure to listen back to what He says by reading His word. This is not the time to allow dust to settle on your Bible.

4. Be hospitable. Look for ways to pleasantly offer hospitality to those around you. It may not always be in the conventional way of having someone into your home or sharing food. Hospitality is extending welcome, warmth and generosity in kindness. Greet your world in a friendly manner.

5. Serve others. In times of uncertainty it is easy to become self focused. Keep an attitude that looks out for others. It will enlarge your heart in ways nothing else can.
In following these 5 simple directives today you will be pouring out God’s grace, not only to those around you, but into your own heart as well. You will be lifted up above the shadows of uncertainty.

God knows that these 5 steps will take us a long way in experiencing His wonderful grace to hold us steady and to share that grace with the world around us. Name your uncertainty and pray the following prayer.

Father God, You are amazing in the clarity You give us as to how to live. Today the uncertainty of ________________ weighs on my heart. Please help me to stay focused on You today, to choose to rely on the power of Your Spirit within me, to pray about everything and to look beyond myself to offer kindness and love to those around me who also are experiencing their own uncertain times. Thank you that You give us all we need to walk today right where we are. Thank you that tomorrow You will again provide all I need. May I live in this day and in this moment sheltered in Your love. In the strong name of Jesus I pray with thanksgiving, amen.

Take the next step: Learn about the Holy Spirit

By Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   When Life isn’t Fair

•  It’s not Fair!– Do we pout?

•  Salvation Explained