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Fireside Wisdom

Published on June 3, 2023

We sat around our backyard fire pit. As we watched the stars come out we talked about how to walk our faith out on a day-to-day basis. We talked about what the Bible had to say about business ethics; raising kids; dealing with church politics or prickly people. At the end of many of our discussions our friend, Jerry would say, “It really all comes down to abiding.”

I still keep coming back to that. It truly is the answer to walking out our Christian faith where the rubber meets the road… and it affects our praying.

John 15 describes so well the picture of what abiding is. The picture is clear of the branch attached to the vine and producing much sweet fruit.

Jesus explains the picture and reminds us that He is the vine and we are the branches. It is only when the power of the Holy Spirit flows through us that we are able to touch lives with His love. A life changed by Jesus’ love is the fruit produced. Apart from Him we are able to do nothing of any eternal value.

Then Jesus goes on to say something truly amazing…

If you remain (abide) in me and my words remain (abide) in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” (John 15:7 & 8)

The result is clear. My abiding in Christ will even affect my prayers. In the original Greek this word “abide” means to “continue to be present”.

  •     If I “continue to be present” with Christ and make time in His presence a priority, I abide in Him. As I seek Him throughout my day, in each decision I encounter, I abide in Him.
  •     If I let His Words of truth from the Bible “continue to be present” in my life, applying them to my heart and my actions, then His words abide in me.

This, in turn, will make my God renowned. It will show the world around me  who my God is and others will be drawn to Him.

When God’s Word is a continuing presence in my life, guiding my thoughts, actions and attitudes, then my prayers will be different from the self centered requests I often beg God for. The results will be for eternity.

Our fulfillment in this life comes as we bear fruit for God’s kingdom. Keep God’s Word central in your heart and in your life. Let His words “continue to be present” as you walk out your faith in front of a world that needs to know “who my God is”!

Father God,? Fan the desire in my heart to read Your Word. Make it clear to me so it will guide my thoughts and my actions. Reveal to me the treasures in Your Word. Cause me to pursue it more than silver or gold or any other thing, for Your words are life to my soul.? In Jesus’ strong name I pray, amen.

by Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  How to Pray: Abide, Ask, Believe and Receive

•  A River that Flows From the Throne of God– by Jon Walker

•  Salvation Explained