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Freedom from Shame

Published on November 24, 2018

It was the first day of spring and we were horseback riding. Snow and spring ice still scattered the landscape. My horse decided he did not want a rider and he suddenly reared up on his hind legs. The spring ice was not a good spot for such a balancing act and over he went with me under him! I still marvel that I was not crushed to death!

I seldom think of that frightening afternoon anymore. But every now and then the memory is refreshed on rare days when the old injury to my rib bothers me. A bump or bruise causes that old injury to remind me that it’s there.

The same happens with old injuries to our spirit. Things far distant in our past… harsh words, actions, or misjudged situations of long ago, often surprise us with fresh pain when an emotional bump or bruise comes unexpectedly.

Sharon shared with me how she had forgiven her father for the rejection she felt as a young girl. Her adult mind could now comprehend some of her father’s own pain and God’s love in her heart had made what seemed impossible, possible. She could forgive him for his actions and his harsh words.

But she continued to find herself in unhealthy relationships with men. Always living in fear of rejection, she found herself making compromises that left her disappointed in herself. She realized she felt shame in the depth of her soul and it was affecting her life far beyond the long ago words and actions of her father. She began to realize that she had believed lies about herself as a result of those words and actions. Then she read this promise from God’s Word and hope sprang afresh in her heart…

“… being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.Philippians 1:6

When God touches your life and begins a good work in you, He is committed to you. He promises to carry on the good work in your heart until it is completed. God can not only help you forgive, but He will continue on to help you root out the shame and the lies that keep you from being all God meant you to be.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank you that you promise to continue to work in my heart. Thank you that you enable me to forgive harsh words and actions against me. Father God, I realize today that as a result of those words and actions I began to believe lies about myself. Lies that I was unlovable & undeserving of love. Father God, today I ask that you would help me to reject those lies and their resulting shame. Show me every place I have believed a lie about myself. I accept your love and your healing and I ask you to fill me with your Holy Spirit. Thank you that you will carry on to completion the healing of my heart. In the strong name of Jesus I pray.

by Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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