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Hold my Hand

Published on May 30, 2024

He marches confidently down the street. His little hand clutching my index finger.

He is taking me to the pond to see the baby ducks. He leads the way as only a two-year-old can. I guide him gently at each turn, carefully detouring around any pitfalls. We enjoy the adventure. Turning to go home, we come to the hill. He works hard to navigate the steep climb. He could stumble and fall here. I slip my index finger from his grasp and enfold his whole hand in my grip as I stride to the top, ensuring he makes it without a spill.

What a lovely picture of our Heavenly Father’s great care as we navigate our own journey.

We march forward clutching His finger and confidently go in the direction we think is right. We want to know He is there. He knows the way we should go and He gently maneuvers the turns.

When the way gets hard, He grips our whole hand in His and leads us up the steep incline.

Each day, as we accept His invitation to walk together, He can be counted on to guide us, to protect us and to take us to where we need to go. He knows us. He cares about us. He can be trusted to lead us.

Our Heavenly Father, who loves us, and loves our little ones even more than we possibly can, will not only hold our hand and guide us, but He will help us as we guide them on the adventures of life.

“I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear, I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13

Heavenly Father,  Thank you for Your loving care as You walk with me every day. Thank you for Your gentle guidance, for Your love and for Your tender care as I go through ordinary days. You protect me even when I am not aware of it.  And thank you that when the way gets hard, and the path gets steep You are still beside me. You grip my hand and whisper Your comfort. Thank you for the confidence I have that You will help me as Your hand grips mine.  I pray this with thanksgiving in Jesus’ strong name, amen.

By Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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