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Do You Know You Are Loved?

Published on September 10, 2022

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” Matthew 6:26

God has the heart of a loving Father toward us, His creation. Yet when our own experience of a father has been negative, hurtful, abusive or lacking in the love our child heart yearned for, it can be hard to trust God and His love.

God is Your FATHER. He waits to embrace you.

We live in a world at war. Good collides with evil every day. The gift of freewill can leave us vulnerable to the choices of others and indeed, even to our own selfish choices. Destruction leaves ash heaps in our lives. Parents aren’t always able to give what their child needs.

When life does you wrong and you have ashes where promise once stood there is only one place to run, to Your Heavenly Father. He alone is the one who can bring beauty out of ashes. He can make something beautiful and new out of ruins. His love is steady. It is sure. It can be trusted. You can run from Him in confusion – or you can run to Him in Hope – and He will not disappoint you. You are truly valued by Your Heavenly Father! Open your heart to Him in a new way today. Trust Him with your heart.

Heavenly Father, Today I acknowledge what I have skirted for so long. You, the LORD God Almighty, love me, even in spite of all the ash heaps in my life. Thank you that when I simply cry out, “Father”, You open Your arms and welcome me home. You walk with me and talk with me and begin to straighten the path on which I walk. Thank you for Your generous and abundant love to me. I want to walk with You all the days of my life! In Jesus’ name, amen.

A Thought: Ask yourself honestly if you truly believe God loves YOU. Tell Him in your own words that you want to trust Him and feel His love for you. He promises to respond. Open your heart to receive.

by Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Did You Know that You are Someone Special?

 A Poem of Hope

•  Salvation Explained

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