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A Little Frayed

Published on November 21, 2020

“The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down” Proverbs 14:1

The frenzied pace we sometimes choose to keep can take a toll on our homes and impact our relationships.

When we live at a pace that continually drains us we end up taking it out on those closest to us. Complaining, frustration and lack of patience can surface all too often. As women we can actually be tearing down relationships by our own hand and not even be aware we are doing so. A wise woman will take note of her reactions and make a choice to be a builder.

If your quiet time with God has slipped to the sidelines of your life, it won’t be long before you notice the telltale signs of complaining, negativity and frustration in your life and relationships.

Ask God to come in a fresh way into your life to help you make time with Him a priority. Choose to make some changes in your schedule so God can make some changes in your heart.

Invite His Holy Spirit to be the change agent in your life today. Ask for what the Bible calls the fruit of the Holy Spirit. (Galatians 5:22) It’s “The Great Exchange.” He will help you build your relationships. You can depend on God to be your source for all your needs.

–   Exchange your weakness for His strength.
–   Your unhappy heart for His joy.
–   Your annoyance for His love.
–   Your anxiety for His peace.
–   Your impatience for His patience.
–   Your complaining for His contentment.
–   Your harsh attitude for His gentleness.

Father in Heaven, today I ask that You would forgive me for foolishly reacting in ways that  tear my relationships down. Fill me afresh today with the fruit of Your Holy Spirit. May I be a wise woman filled with the wisdom and revelation that Your Spirit offers to me.  In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Take Action: Look at the list of the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22:
–   Love
–   Joy
–   Peace
–   Patience
–   Gentleness
–   Goodness
–   Faith
–   Humility
–   Self- control

Ask yourself which one of these fruits is in short supply in your life right now. Identify it. Then invite the Holy Spirit to produce it in you in new ways today.

By Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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