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The Power of Thanksgiving

Published on May 9, 2013

“I am the Light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of life.” John 8:12

When we are followers of Jesus darkness should not characterize our lives. Oh, it will come to try to darken the doorway of our hearts but we can choose our response.

In one of the daily readings in “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young she explains what happened when Eve turned her attention away from all the blessings she had, to focus on what she didn’t have. “That negative focus darkened her mind and she succumbed to temptation.”

She left thankfulness behind! Thankfulness is so much more than “having an attitude of gratitude”! It is a protection from darkness. It is a discipline. It’s actually a weapon in our spiritual warfare arsenal.

When you sense the shadow of darkness at the door of your heart by discouragement or dissatisfaction (two of the biggest things that try to rob us of the Light of Jesus within us) stop and send thanksgiving to the door.

Jesus says that when we follow Him we will not walk in darkness.

Where are the shadows lurking that want to darken the door of your heart and mind and draw you away from the Light? Send Jesus to the door and rise up with thanksgiving in your heart. It’s a discipline. It’s a sacrifice. It’s a weapon. Use it today!

Lord God, I thank You that darkness need not cast it’s shadow over my heart and mind today. Thank you that You are the Light of my life. Thank you that You lead me and guide me and strengthen me when I fix my eyes on all the wonder of who You are. Grant me the insight and the wisdom to lift my voice in thanksgiving today for You are my God and I am Your child. Whenever darkness seeks to encroach upon me may it be my call to lift my heart to You in praise. In Jesus’ strong name I pray, amen.

by Gail Rodgers
used by permission

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