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When Peace Eludes You

Published on September 15, 2022

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” Colossians 3:15

Our sense of peace can be dislodged and replaced by turmoil and confusion before we even realize it.  God’s Word puts it simply. In order to have God’s peace in our hearts we must make the choice to let His peace rule there.

As soon as you recognize irritation or turmoil taking over in your spirit, stop! Almost without fail you will find the peace of God gets pushed aside when anything that has “self” as its source surges forward.

•    Self-defence in a relationship results in turmoil.

•    Self-pity puts you on the slippery slope of discouragement.

•    Self-seeking in business, or even ministry, allows a shallowness to creep in that pushes peace aside.

•    Self-energy: seeking to live the Christian life in our own strength, leads to defeat.

As long as self is the focus in our thoughts and actions, there is little room for God to do His work in us and His peace cannot rule in our hearts. When we choose to let Him be the focus of all we do, drawing on His energy, His help, His wisdom, His patience, His purposes, then His peace will rule in our hearts.

Today, pay attention to what is going on in your spirit. If peace is eluding you, take a look inside and see where self-focus has taken over. Let God’s peace rule in your heart by bringing everything in your day under the umbrella of His care. It is the best way to live in peace!

Father God, today I ask You to forgive me for the places in my heart where I have allowed Your peace to be pushed aside by my own self issues. Right now I place everything I have and am and ever hope to be under the umbrella of Your care and attention. I choose to let Your peace rule in my heart today. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Thought: Choose to pay close attention today to what is going on in your spirit.

By Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

My Lord, My Companion

A Prayer for Conflict Resolution

•  Salvation Explained