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A New Song

Published on September 3, 2012

by Gail Rodgers

He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.
Psalm 40:3

Life has been busy. The house has been full. Meal planning, grocery shopping, washing sheets and changing beds along with all the regular stuff of life has kept the days full too.

This morning I had a coffee date with a friend over the phone. Her life is busy as well so we scheduled an early morning call and brought our coffee cups to comfortable chairs a province apart.

We talked about the song in our hearts and how busyness and life’s general challenges can tend to drown out the music at times. Often, as we make room for our phone coffee times together, a principle of life will emerge as a take-away nugget to enrich our lives. Today was no exception.

We talked about making the choice to live thankfully; of seeing the goodness of God in the things around us; of being grateful for His hand in our lives even if, at times, the path is obscured.

We know from God’s word that we are called to live thankfully. “In everything give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 6:18

We know from experience that thankfulness as a way of life keeps our souls soft and our hearts in tune with our great God.

We shared the verse of Scripture that holds the promise of a new song. “He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.Psalm 40:3

And suddenly the principle of life was there: As we choose thanksgiving, He puts the song in our hearts.

The song in our hearts cannot be conjured up. It is placed there by God as His gift to a thankful heart.

Choose thankfulness today and experience His fresh song of praise flooding your heart. Choosing thankfulness is your part. Putting the song in your heart is His part.

Make the choice to live thankfully and experience the melody of praise that will arise fresh within your heart today!

Father God, Thank you for the principles of Scripture that are sure. Help me today to choose thankfulness. Thank you that as a result You will put a new song in my heart. ?Help me to choose well today. Open my eyes to see the goodness of God around me. I ask this in Jesus’ name and with a grateful heart for Your hand in my life, amen.

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