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Don’t Risk It

Published on May 29, 2015


Do you think we can risk neglecting this magnificent salvation?”  Hebrews 2:1-4 (MSG)

When life gets a little too busy it’s easy to neglect small things.  At first no one notices the little things left undone.  Yet, as the weeds take hold outside and the paperwork and the closets are ignored inside, a growing chaos becomes evident.

The same thing happens in our inner lives when we neglect the regular care of our spirits. We begin to feel the growing chaos within. The reality of our lives becomes contrasted against the promises of our faith and we become discouraged in our spiritual journey.

God’s Word reminds us to be careful about what we ignore. When we overlook tending our inner lives we often find chaos in our hearts and minds and wonder why God seems distant. During those times we will most likely find our Bible starting to gather dust. God’s Word is nourishment for our souls.

If your life is chaotic and your spirit is dry… if panic is becoming more often present in life than peace… check what you are neglecting. Make a beeline back to God’s Word and to fellowship with His people. Keep God’s Word at the very core of your life. As a Christian you simply cannot risk living otherwise.

Father in Heaven, I confess that my Bible stays closed far too often. When You feel distant I blame You. Forgive me Lord. Help me to learn to love Your Word in a greater way. Open my eyes to what You have to say to me through it. Reveal Yourself to me in new ways and help me to make this a priority in my life. In the name of Jesus I pray, amen.

Memorize Psalm 119:16:

I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches.
I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.
I delight in your decrees;
I will not neglect your word.”

By Gail Rodgers

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