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Joyfully Drawing a Long Cool Drink

Published on October 27, 2012

by Gail Rodgers

Christian devotionalWith joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.”
Isaiah 12:3

I love the word picture that Isaiah 12:3 gives us. Can’t you just picture taking your bucket with a long rope attached and dropping it down into the deep well? You hear the splash below and feel the tension on the rope as the bucket fills. As you draw the bucket up you know the drink will be long and cold and refreshing. Ahhh, coming to the well is so worth the trip. Especially when the day is dry and hot and dusty.

The only thing that can prevent that long and refreshing drink is a hole in the bucket. Though you long for the life giving water, if there’s a hole you’ll draw up an empty bucket.

As we begin to explore the refreshing truths and sure principles of following Jesus let’s first make sure our bucket is intact. The biggest holes in our buckets of faith are generally caused by one thing: a lack of confidence. As we draw from the well of salvation the cool refreshment simply leaks out when we harbor a lack of confidence in who our God is and in who we are in Jesus Christ.

In order to draw deeply from the well of salvation we must first be confident that our God is who He says He is and that He will do what He says He will do. Often we find our confidence in God has slipped away when things have not gone as we had hoped and planned. Yet God alone is the one who sees the road ahead. Only He knows just what our hearts need to keep going. Refresh your confidence in God today by reviewing His character as revealed through His names here:

If your confidence in who you are in Jesus Christ has slipped and you feel the promises of God don’t include you then take some time to review just how God sees you. As His child you are every bit included in those who can draw deeply from His well. Review how He sees you here:

Patch the hole in your bucket. Believe God with fresh faith. Walk in who He says you are with fresh confidence. Then you will be able to draw from His deep well with a joy that is overflowing.

Father God, Often my confidence in You can wane when I don’t understand what You are doing or not doing in my life. Help me to fully believe and completely trust that You have my best interests at heart. May I lean hard on You in complete assurance that Your love for me will carry me through. Help me to see myself as You see me – forgiven, dearly loved, accepted, chosen, and fruitful. Give me a deep understanding of being clothed in the strength and dignity that You provide for me. Restore my bucket of faith so that I may draw deeply and with great joy from the well of salvation. In Jesus’ name I pray, with thanksgiving. Amen.

Question: What holes are in your bucket right now? What truth will you apply to patch them up?

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