by Gail Rodgers
Generosity is the currency of life. Generous people generate things… they produce and create. Choose today to give. Hold your hands open and offer yourself to God first. Let His wisdom, strength and power flow through you. Offer to be His conduit.
Then give yourself to others. Give your time, give your attention, give your resources and give your care.
God’s word speaks the truth when it says, “The world of the generous gets larger and larger – the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller” (Proverbs 11:24).
Be generous today and just see if your own world doesn’t expand in some way.
Think about stingy-ness. The mark of the stingy person is the attitude of fear that convinces him there never will be enough. Ask yourself if you are stingy in any area. Making a change will enhance your life.
Choose wisely. If you are a manager and have people working under you, be deliberate in having a generous attitude as you respond.
Surprise yourself today as you reach out to make a generous choice in some unexpected way.
Are you a generous person? Are you stingy in any way?
Lord, fill my heart to overflowing with gratitude for Your love and faithfulness. Help me to pass Your love on in some way today. Amen.
– Think of one area of your life where you find it hard to be generous. What is one thing you can to do today to be more giving?
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