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Integrity in the Small Stuff

Published on February 25, 2017

Every day we have opportunities that demonstrate our character. We encounter little opportunities for our integrity to grow or slow. Small things that many would just overlook, like the wrong change, an item left off the grocery bill, TV program choices no one sees, perhaps an overlooked invoice. You know the kind of stuff that surfaces and is just too bothersome to take the time to right.

God’s word gives us great wisdom on just this very thing.

Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.”
Luke 16:10

Where are the small things of integrity showing up in your life? Opportunities arise as we go about our daily business to show us where our line of integrity is. It’s wise to pay attention. Small things do matter…God says so.

Father God, Thank you that You settle for nothing less than spurring me on to be all You want me to be. Help me today to move my line of integrity forward. Help me to be honest in the very small things of everyday life. Father, I want You to be able to trust me with more for Your Kingdom. More influence in others’ lives, more finances for Your work, more opportunities to see Your power displayed. May I be faithful in small things today with the help of Your Holy Spirit.? In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

by Gail Rodgers

Used by Permission

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