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Keep Training

Published on October 27, 2013

by Gail Rodgers

Challenges come to all of us. Sometimes they can feel overwhelming. When they do our tendency is often to become discouraged in our faith. My friend called today. She is in the middle of some very stretching circumstances. Her voice cracked as she asked, “Why would God let us go all the way down this road only to close the door now?”

She was in a tough and confusing spot. Together we prayed that God would reveal the next step to her. And He will. We both know His track record in our lives. He can be depended upon.

When life is tiring and confusing it’s easy to lose hope in God’s ability to work on our behalf. We can become weary and not bother picking up the Bible to hear what His Spirit has to say to us. We can cease to pray, feeling that God isn’t hearing us anyway.

God knows our nature is to fall away when times are hard and we are confused. He knows we will tend to neglect His Word. He reminds us not to…

Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.Hebrews 5:13 & 14

Righteousness means choosing aYes Lord” attitude in all of life. Spiritual discernment grows as we live in the mature state of being able to say…

•    “Yes Lord” I will trust You, even in the dark.
•    “Yes Lord” I will believe Your word, even when I feel confused.
•    “Yes Lord” I will obey what I know You are asking me to do.
•    “Yes Lord” I will continue to commit my every step to You.
•    “Yes Lord” I will continue to grow in spiritual understanding.

Hard circumstances in life can be times of equipping. The roots of a mighty tree must go deep so it will be grounded when the fierce winds blow.

During times of deep challenge make a choice to trust God. Make a decision to allow God to equip you with spiritual understanding and wisdom for your next step.

Stay disciplined. Keep equipped by standing on the promises of His word. Keep the door of your heart open with an invitation to Him to lead you every step of the crooked way.

He will build a track record in your life that will secure you in your faith. He is faithful. Be determined to continue to equip yourself with prayer and His word.

Though circumstances and people may disappoint you, God never will. His strength will hold your hand and your heart through those times when your world is shaken.

Prayer & reflection:  
Dear Heavenly Father, Help me, during times of uncertainty, not to fall away from You and Your word. Help me to keep a disciplined spirit and continue to equip myself with Your promises and an open heart for You to be at work, even in the midst of confusion. Thank you for Your Holy Spirit who will help me grow in spiritual understanding. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

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